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Sunday, June 2

Do You Believe In Lucky Stuff?

I actually believe that there is no such thing as lucky or unlucky esp. when it comes to the things we wish for or events happened to us.

Let's make raffle an example. You have a claim stub with you and there are more or less 300 people in the room. Organizers start to shake the box where all the raffle stubs are placed and get one stub at a time. The chance of getting your stub is very small and it is called game of chances.

The reason why I created this blog post is because I haven't got a chance to win and receive a prize. I don't believe that I was unlucky and everybody else was lucky because if there's such thing as that, people would always rely on it at all times. They will think that there is no need to work hard and get what you want if your thinking is like this: "Lucky is next to my name".

Anyway, we can't deny that most of the Filipinos love to gamble and still prefer the easy money like lotto. They will make sure they set aside a budget for it. Who knows, if they won, they would be the lucky person in the whole world as he/she or other people said. But trust me, if you get the money easily, that money can be easily gone. But if you work for it and not depend on the word lucky, I'm sure that money you gain will last and multiply coz you know the real importance of it.

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