You found this article because you are looking for ways on how to make money through writing. I'm sure you already heard about these two writing platforms: Squidoo and Hubpages. In this article, you will learn my experiences in using both these sites and what I noticed being a lensmaster/hubber/writer. Feel free to scan and read it completely.
I will tell you a short story about myself being a writer in both of these platforms. I'm a lensmaster for more than 2 years in Squidoo. My total earnings there is 242.30 USD. You'll notice that my earnings are not that big if you see the lapse or duration before I reach that money. The way you earn there is through their tier system. Rank #1 is being the highest and get most of the money from the ad pool (Google Adsense). They have three tiers: tier 1, 2 and 3. The range of the rank in tier 1 is from 1 to 2,000 and the estimate money assigned to it is between $20 and $50. As for tier 2, the range is from 2,001-8,000 and the payout is between $1 and $19. While in tier 3, it is from 8,001 to 80,000 and the paid cash is cents. You can also earn by using their affiliate modules like Amazon, eBay and others. Whenever someone clicks on the product you feature on your lens/article, and buys that item or different one, you will still get a commission. Anyway, if you're the type of person who doesn't like to do/mind other things but to write and earn from writing, then Squidoo is the site for you.
Being a hubber in Hubpages gave and gives me a great experience. Actually, I became a hubber before but because of not being familiarized with the site, I got tired of it and decided to delete my account (this one is new for your information). The reason is they unpublished my hubs because those where not getting traffic and did not give any value to the site. Though the former has this rule as well but I noticed that the latter is so quick in implementing that regulation. Anyway, I find this site very simple and easy to use. The way they pay you is you must submit tax information to them in order to get qualified to their ad earning program. Other earning programs are associating your adsense account to the site as well as your eBay and Amazon accounts. On the first way to earn I mentioned above, you will see if you earn money daily and if your accumulated money has reached $50. Once attained, you will receive it in your PayPal account. While on the second way of earning, you can check your adsense account if someone clicks on the ads found on your hubs and check your Amazon or eBay accounts if someone purchases an item after they clicked on the featured products/items from your hubs. As of now, I only have 2 articles in Hubpages and 89 in Squidoo. Before I end this post, I would like you to try both of these sites in order to experience and get a glimpse of it. I don't like to tell you which one is better because it depends on your taste and preference.
I conclude that Squidoo is for those who are design-oriented people. If you are looking for great content while learning, then this site is the one for you. I can compare it to Yahoo when it comes to offering everything you need at once (but not the popularity). As for the Hubpages, the design is so simple like Google. They seem to focus more on useful content for their readers. Again, I don't compare this two to those giant search engines when it comes to popularity but only to the design and the way they want people perceive them. I hope you find this post interesting and entertaining to read.
Thank you for reading.
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