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Sunday, September 30

Books that I am Selling

I decided to sell some of my books that stuck here in our house. I want others to benefit from these books that's why I sell them. It's hard for the owner to make a decision like this but I need to in order to make use of them by others. I hope you find what you are looking for by just browsing this post. Enjoy!

Fiction Books:
  • Mortal Remains
  • Robot Adept

Computer Related Books:
  • Digital Mosaics
  • Software Reviews (1985)
  • The Mac OS X v. 10.2 Jaguar Book
  • America Online Internet Guide (3rd Edition)
School Textbooks / Books:
  • Philosophy of Man (3rd Edition)
  • Phenomenological Existential Anthropology (2006 Edition)
Help Books:
  • Guide to College Life
  • Creating Groups (2nd Edition)

I will do a one by one picture of them for you to see what they look like. For the mean time, you may check my other books being sold here.

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