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Sunday, January 1

My New Year's Resolutions for 2012

This is the first time I post my new year's resolutions online. I have never done this before because it does not interest me aside from the belief that it's just a way of making excuses. Excuses to cover up things they hardly give up by making promises publicly and breaking them in the end. Anyway, I'll try to make them just 10 to be short and attainable. Here are they:

  1. Polishing my writing skills through writing online
  2. Learning different tips and techniques when it comes to making money online
  3. Doing my best in work
  4. Learning the ins and outs of Google Adsense
  5. Since I am earning money in Squidoo, I'm still looking for alternatives and I found Hubpages (Update: I decided to delete my account there for some reason)
  6. I'm happy with my Redgage account because I use it for backlinks purposes. Need to socialize with other members there.
  7. Matesgate is another type of social networking site like Facebook. The only difference is you can earn money there. I will keep using it and give all the best I can do to earn more.
  8. Blogging makes me a writer and author atleast for myself. Need to improve my other blogs by integrating adsense ads.
  9. Saving money for my personal needs like taking care of my teeth and others
  10. Triond site is where my attention right now. I enjoy writing and sharing my articles there. I think I learned a lot from it and will share more contents there.

I know you are thinking my resolutions are too broad to achieve and they're too general. But these are the things I want to attain this year 2012 and I want your prayers to make me determined to do one thing at a time.

Anyway, what are your New Year's Resolutions? Share them with us! =)

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  1. I like those! I will try those soon!

  2. Hey, I have just notice... You are putting infolinks! haha! ;b

  3. @uirufurede Thanks for your comments.

    So you noticed the infolinks. That's one method of my online earning. Anyway, do you have a blog? A website? Could you share it with me so I can see what thoughts do you have. =)

  4. Just finished the list for my goals and targets this year! I am pretty excited!


    Aye! Sir! I do have! Still under construction though...

  5. Anyway, do we know each other? I have a feeling I know you.. Anyway, thanks for being a frequent visitor of my blog. Take care. :)

  6. Definitely, so... by the way... How much did you earn from your first week in Infolinks?

    Thanks you. You too.

  7. Actually, Infolinks gives a little income to everyone. Maybe it depends on the performance of your links and if those links would get a high traffic and clicks from visitor.

    Now I know you.. You're Wilfred! :D

  8. I am following you guys and always commenting. How come that you do not know my username?



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