If you have a credit card and you often use it to avail products and services, then I advise you to check the availability of your remaining balance every time you go out shopping. Why? Because if you reach your credit limit and you overspend beyond that, aside from the usual 3.5% interest rate per month, the bank will require you to pay a 500 pesos fee. I've just recently got to know this from Peter Pandesal blog. If you have a spare time to waste, why don't you pay a visit to the said site (currently, the site is down) and educate yourself about money.
Welcome to my blog, a space where I share everything that interests me— from poetry and software reviews to my personal beliefs and opinions, and various fascinating topics. Most of the content you'll find here is a reflection of who I am, but I'll strive to keep it as diverse as possible. While I aim to use English as the main language, I may occasionally switch to Tagalog, my comfort zone. Start exploring and enjoy the read. Welcome to my world!
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